How to receive God’s best blessings

by | Posted October 22nd at 5:36pm

And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

This verse gives us an almost forgotten beatitude. Jesus spoke it, but it was not recorded in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John. However, the apostle Paul knew of it and recalled it in Acts 20, thus preserving it in Scripture.

This verse presents us with a unique super-beatitude, a rare occurrence in the Bible. While there are many beatitudes when a sentence begins with the words Blessed is… or Blessed are…, the phrase ‘more blessed’ is a singular occurrence. It guides us on a path to a greater double blessing, a concept worth exploring further.

First, there is the blessing of receiving, which interests our personal selves. God created us as recipients. He is the Source, the Supply, the Endless Provider who gives universal, daily, and spiritual blessings.

But there is one blessing greater than receiving. It’s the blessing of giving. Why is it more blessed to give than to receive? When we receive, we’re acting like ourselves; but when we give, we’re acting like God. Receiving is me-like. Giving is Christ-like.

Never forget that at the very heart of the Gospel is the whole principle of giving. – Stephen Olford

Meditation Source: David Jeremiah, Pathways

Article posted by Glen R. Jackman, founder of

Glen has optimized his eldership role to teach the full scope of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ without boundaries.
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