Engaging with Christ’s Revelation to the Church

by | Posted February 19th at 1:30am

As you read, you can hover over the scriptural texts to see them in full.

The claim to revelation is not anchored in circumstances or style but in the kind of person God is (Rev 1:1; 10:7). This view finds strong support in the OT texts echoing in the first verses. Christ is revealing in his revelation that God’s reputation, marred by Satan’s influenced ideology that He is an angry, vengeful, unjust God, is vindicated –restored and intact, as the creator and redeemer of mankind, through the redemption we have in Him.

We are blessed if we read and expound aloud this revelation of Jesus Christ to others. (Rev 1:1-3)

God’s intent to “make known” links Revelation to Daniel (Rev. 1:1; Dan. 2:28–30, 45). G. K. Beale (1999, 50) emphasizes the common theme of “making known” in these books. Revelation’s contention that God “made it known” (esēmanen) depends on a Greek word that means “make known,” “report,” “communicate,” “foretell,” or “signify.” “The clauses ‘revelation … God showed … what must come to pass … and he made known (sēmainō)’ occur together only in Daniel 2 and Revelation 1:1,” says Beale (1999, 50). When we consider the context in Daniel, we have not only a fascinating word study but also a case report for how a message claiming to be a revelation compares to other sources of knowledge. When crunch time comes, Daniel says to King Nebuchadnezzar that “there is a God in heaven who reveals [anakalyptōn] mysteries, … and he has disclosed … to you what is to be [ha dei genesthai] … in order that the interpretation may be known [esēmanthē]” (Dan. 2:28–30).

As God showed up to redeem his people from Egyptian slavery (Ex 3:14), he shows up — is present — to conclude the redemption of his elect followers. (Rev 1:4-6) In contradistinction Satan’s presence ‘was and is not’, is not supportive of the unsaved (Rev 17:8).

The theme of the book of Revelation is the victory of Christ and of His Church over the dragon (Satan) and his helpers. The Apocalypse is meant to show us that things are not what they seem. The thematic importance of this book is stated most gloriously and completely in these words revealing that Satan and his demons warring agains Christ and His church will face absolute defeat: ‘These shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall conquer them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings; and they also shall conquer that are with him called and chosen and faithful’  Rev 17:14

The purpose of the book of Revelation is to comfort the militant Church in its struggle against the forces of evil. It is full of help and comfort for persecuted and suffering Christians. To them is given the assurance that God sees their tears (Rev 7:17; 21:4); their prayers are influential in world affairs (Rev 8:3, 4) and their death is precious in His sight. Their final victory is assured (Rev 15:2); their blood will be avenged (Rev 19:2); their Christ lives and reigns for ever and for ever. He governs the world in the interest of His Church (Rev 5:7, 8). He is coming again to take His people to Himself in ‘the marriage supper of the Lamb’ and to live with them for ever in a rejuvenated universe (Rev 21:22).”

The epistles describe conditions which occur not in one particular age of Church history, but again and again.

Throughout the prophecies of this wonderful book Christ is pictured as the Victor, the Conqueror (Rev 1:18; 2:8; 5:9; 6:2; 11:15; 12:9; 14:1, 14; 15:2; 19:16; 20:4; 22:3). He conquers death, Hades, the dragon, the beast, the false prophet, and the men who worship the beast. He is victorious; as a result, so are we, even when we seem to be hopelessly defeated.

Christ is our great restorer of health, mentally physically, and spiritually — our healer from our maladies of sin which  Satan instigated beginning at the fall and curse of man. (Rev 21:4; 22:3)

I herein testify that Jesus Christ is alive, Sovereign and ready to save you if you will repent and follow him.

1 Sigve K. Tonstad

2 William Hendriksen

3 Ibid

4 Sigve K. Tonstad

Article posted by Glen R. Jackman, founder of GraceProclaimed.org

Glen has optimized his eldership role to teach the full scope of the New Covenant of Jesus Christ without boundaries.
You can read his testimony.